As I look back at these last four decades I am amazed, inspired and humbled by places, events, and people that wandered into my camera viewfinder. I have been scanning negatives, slides, prints and digital files trying to bring order to my creative chaos. It was fun to reacquaint myself with intimate glimpses of the life that was around me then. But this is but a short pause, because there is still so much more to capture, to learn, to satisfy my curiosity. There are so many stories left for my eye and camera to document and share. I find comfort in Elizabeth Gilbert’s wisdom, “You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures.” It has been easy to give my heart and soul to photography because photography has given me so much in return. I never take for granted how lucky I am – that my passion and my day job are one and the same. – Manny Crisostomo, 2016